Archive pour juin 22nd, 2008


juin 22, 2008

Recently, a « high doggie tea » was held in Toronto to raise money for a new cancer centre for dogs. One woman paid several thousand dollars for her dog to have cancer therapy to make her elderly dog comfortable for a few more months. Come to think of it, was this woman trying to preserve her pet’s lifestyle or her own?

There are approximately 3.5 million dogs in Canada. It’s estimated that one in four will develop some form of cancer. Researchers say it is hoped that these animal cancer centres can develop new ways to fight the disease in both animals and people.

There’s no question people are spending two or three times more money than they used to, say 20 years ago, on the health of their pets. One veterinarian says if people can spend even more money on lottery tickets or smoking, why shouldn’t they spend it on animals who at least give them unconditional love.

One dog owner says: « Will people think I don’t love my dog and cat enough if I am not prepared to spend thousands on tests or treatments to prolong their lives? I think I’d be a better person to let my animal die naturally and then give $1,000 to combat child poverty, or even animal abuse. »

Do you own a pet?

Should owners pay thousands for their pets’ health?

What do you think?